Use Oura's Discovery Hub to view correlations between Tags and changes in your biometric data.
Discovery Hub is available for all Oura users with active membership.
What Are Discoveries?
How to Use Discovery Hub
What Are Community Discoveries?
Things to Keep in Mind
More Information
What Are Discoveries?
Discoveries are insights that show you the impact of tagged activities and habits on your biometrics, based on trends in your past data. For example, if your REM sleep tends to increase after you tag "Sauna," the Oura App may generate a discovery message to inform you of that trend the next time you use the Sauna tag.
How to Use Discovery Hub
The Oura App needs data from at least 14 of the past 30 days to establish a baseline reading before generating a new discovery. Be sure to wear your ring each night and tag frequently and consistently to generate correlated data for more discoveries.
When a discovery is available, a notification card will appear on the Oura App home screen.
Tap the notification to open the Trends screen—available discoveries are shown in the Discovery Hub located beneath the trend graph.
Certain habits and activities require just a few days of consistent tagging to produce a discovery, but others may take longer.
Personal discoveries are applicable only to certain metrics and are shown on the following trend screens:
- Readiness: Heart rate variability (HRV), Respiratory rate, Resting heart rate (RHR)
- Sleep: Deep sleep, REM sleep, Sleep efficiency, Total sleep
What Are Community Discoveries?
Community discoveries show the average impact of certain tags across all of Oura's member population. For example, when you tap on the Trends view for REM sleep, you may see that having a wind down routine or sauna improves REM sleep on average for Oura members, while alcohol decreases it.
These discoveries are based on statistical significance: enough members have to show the same correlation in order for it to be considered a "Community Discovery."
Tags won't necessarily have the same impact on you as they do on other members. Every personal health journey is unique and many factors contribute to changes in biometric data.
Community discoveries are available on the trend screens for the following metrics:
- Readiness: Heart rate variability (HRV), Respiratory rate, Resting heart rate (RHR)
- Sleep: Deep sleep, Latency, REM sleep, Sleep efficiency, Total sleep
Things to Keep in Mind
- Discoveries are not available for custom tags or repeating tags. See our Using Tags article for more information
- Although discoveries suggest correlations between your tags and biometrics, other factors can also contribute to changes in your data
- It's possible for tags to have little or no impact on your health data
The Oura Ring is not a medical device and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, monitor, or prevent medical conditions or illnesses. Please do not make any changes to your medication, nutrition, or workouts without first consulting your doctor or another medical professional.