Use the Trends section of the Oura App to track changes in your sleep, readiness, activity, and stress metrics. Trends can be accessed through the upper-left menu in the home screen of the Oura App.
What Are Trends?
Trends in the Oura App
How to View Trends
Spotlight Trend
Sleep Regularity in Trends
Body Temperature Graph
Trends in Oura on the Web
Use Tags in Trends
More Information
What Are Trends?
The Trends section of the Oura App displays information about your scores and contributors in easy-to-visualize charts and graphs. Viewing your Oura Ring data in the long term is a quick way to see if you are moving toward your personal goals, and to track which variables may impact your overall health.
Each Trend graph, except for body temperature, provides daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly views. (Year view is currently only available on iOS.)
When reviewing a Trend graph, you'll typically see a value in a larger size at the top-left of the screen and a value in a smaller size at the left side of the graph.
The value at the top-left of the screen is the most current data for that particular metric. The screenshot above shows the member's heart rate variability is 39 ms for the day.
The value on the left side of the graph represents the average measurement of the displayed metric over a certain period. The screenshot above shows the member's average heart rate variability is 43 ms over the last 90 days.
- For Day view, the average measurement is taken over 90 days
- For Week view, Month view, and Year view, the average measurement is taken since the beginning of your data
- Year view is only available on the Oura App for iOS at this time
If you're in rest mode, your main goal is recovery, so you will see trends for contributors related to getting well.
Trends in the Oura App
How to View Trends
- Select the menu
in the upper-left corner of the home screen
- Tap Trends
- At the top of the screen you'll find three featured trends, with a full list of Sleep, Readiness, Activity, and Stress metrics, as well as a Spotlight trend
- Tap any of these elements to view their trend graphs
Spotlight Trend
The Trends section features a Spotlight trend curated by Oura's science team according to the focus area you selected during the Oura App onboarding process.
You also may see a Spotlight trend as a Home card if there is a significant change in one of your tracked metrics.
You can change your focus area at any time, and your corresponding trends will update immediately:
- Select the menu
in the upper-left corner of the home screen
- Select My profile
- Select My current goal
Sleep Regularity in Trends
Sleep regularity is a Readiness Score contributor that measures how consistent your bedtime and wake-up times have been. In the My Health tab or the Trends section of your Oura App, you can find data visualizations of your sleep regularity patterns by day, week, month, or year.
Below the sleep regularity trend chart is a graph of your sleep timing, which shows your time in bed, time asleep, and any awake time interruptions during the night.
The sleep timing chart represents the consistency of your sleep as vertical bars. The time you went to bed is at the top of the graph, with wake time at the bottom. Time in bed is visualized with a faint, dark blue bar. Time asleep is visualized with a solid, bright blue bar. Any interruptions to your sleep during the night appear as gaps in the bar.
Scroll left and right to see more data. The y-axis of the chart is fixed to your median sleep time plus two hours. Any data outside that time, such as a very early bed time or very late wake up time, cuts off at the upper or lower edges of the graph.
Weekly, monthly, and yearly views of your sleep regularity trends display averages of your sleep timing for those time periods.
Body Temperature Graph
Oura displays changes in your skin temperature as fluctuations (+/-) from your personal baseline. The closer the reading is to 0.0, the closer your current skin temperature is to your long-term average.
The Daily view of the Body temperature graph displays the same value you see in your Readiness detail view—this value is the average of your skin temperature readings taken throughout the previous night.
Each date in the Trend view displays a weighted average of how your body temperature varies from your baseline based on a three-day window. Days closer to the current date will have more of an impact on your readings.
For more information on average body temperature readings, check out our article on Body Temperature.
Trends in Oura on the Web
Trends are also available through Oura on the Web. Sign in to Oura on the Web using your Oura account, and then click "Trends" on the left side of the screen.
Oura on the Web is a powerful tool for tracking differences and changes in your data because it offers the ability to overlay and compare two different metrics in the same graph.
- Select Trends
- Choose a date range by either using the dropdowns at the top of the screen or by clicking and dragging on the displayed timeline
- Choose a period—Daily, Weekly, or Monthly—from the dropdown menu
- Select which Oura metrics you'd like to view and compare, by using the
dropdowns located in the upper left and upper right of each graph
Oura on the Web will display a correlation value (r) for the two data points you've selected. Click on the correlation pop-up for more granular data on your trends. You can also read our article to learn more about using Oura on the Web.
Use Tags in Trends
You can add and view tags directly from the trends screen within the Oura App. This will show correlations between behaviors or daily actions and Sleep, Readiness, or Activity trends. Read our article on how to use tags for more information.