Occasionally, you may see gaps in your Nighttime, Daytime, or Workout Heart Rate graphs. See below for troubleshooting tips.
Gaps in Nighttime Heart Rate
Gaps in 24-hour Heart Rate Graph
Gaps in Workout Heart Rate
Gaps in Nighttime Heart Rate
If you spot gaps in your nighttime resting heart rate (RHR) or heart rate variability (HRV) graphs, something may have interfered with your pulse monitoring.
Possible causes for these gaps are:
- Your ring was too loose. Before going to bed, ensure your ring's LED sensors are underneath your finger and your ring fit feels snug. If your ring feels too loose, try wearing it on a different finger
- The LED sensors were dirty. You can wash the sensors and your ring using water and soap. Dry the ring thoroughly with a soft cloth before placing it back on your finger
- You were restless during the night. The Oura Ring picks up even the slightest of movements, so tossing and turning may lead to gaps in your overnight data. See how to use Oura's Nighttime Movement feature to keep an eye on restlessness during your nights, as well as find a few tips for restless sleepers
- You slept in a position that caused your hand to go numb (causing partially blocked blood circulation)
- Your resting heart rate was exceptionally low (below 33 bpm)
- Arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat, resulted in incomplete data
Here’s how gaps might appear in the Oura App:
Gaps in 24-hour Heart Rate Graph
Daytime heart rate measurement works best in low-motion situations like office work. When the ring reflects too much movement, this can result in erroneous data (e.g. gaps in the 24-hour heart rate graph). Due to the sensitivity of the Oura Ring, even lighter motion, if it is constant, can cause gaps in the data.
For example, typing on the keyboard typically isn't too much motion, but walking a dog likely is. To track your heart rate during an activity, use the Workout Heart Rate feature.
If the gaps continue, check the following:
- The ring's sensors may be too far from your skin for a clear signal. Switching fingers may help for a snug fit
- The sensors may be dirty. A quick rinse could clear it up
Please note: If you happen to have a heart condition, low blood pressure, or any other health issue that causes arrhythmia, the Oura App may not be able to show your total resting heart rate (RHR) and heart rate variability (HRV) data, which may cause gaps in your graphs. In some cases, you might not see your heart rate and HRV data at all. For more information, read our article about Oura & Medical Conditions.
You can perform a soft reset to help reset the ring's sensors:
- Tap the ring icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Oura App
- Swipe left to the page titled "My Oura Ring"
- Tap "Soft reset"
After checking the sensors and ring fit, and completing the soft reset (if necessary), please wear the ring for 24 hours to see if it correctly collects and syncs your daytime heart rate data. If it doesn't, please contact us for assistance.
You can contact our Member Care Team here.
Gaps in Workout Heart Rate
Workout Heart Rate records heart rate across a selection of workouts. If you see gaps in your Workout Heart Rate graph, check to see if any of the following apply:
- Cold skin or cold skin due to cold weather: Cold fingers can cause signal problems. Wearing gloves can help, but it’s important to put the gloves on before going outside
- Finger selection: Wearing your ring on your index finger is ideal for good signal quality, and the middle finger is the second best
- Tightness: A snug fit is most important, regardless of which finger you’re wearing your Oura Ring. You can tell you have a snug fit if the ring resists when you try to rotate it
- Ring positioning: In order to get an accurate Workout Heart Rate measure, the sensors should be on the bottom of the finger (on the palm side of your hand)