The Oura Ring is not a medical device and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, monitor, or prevent medical conditions or illnesses. Please do not make any changes to your medication, daily routines, nutrition, sleep schedule, or workouts without first consulting your doctor or another medical professional.
The following medical conditions have resulted in differentiated data for some users. Please keep these in mind, especially if you’ve been diagnosed with, or are currently being treated for one of the conditions listed below, as you may experience variations in your daily insights provided by the Oura App.
Sleep Apnea
Blood Circulation Issues
Restless Leg Syndrome
Heart Conditions
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is a common medical condition that occurs when the respiratory airflow is interrupted during sleep.
While the Oura Ring cannot be used to diagnose sleep apnea, it can provide helpful insights on the quality of your sleep. Individuals with sleep apnea may experience reduced deep and REM sleep, which may be reported as excessive awake time in the Oura App.
You should be able to use the Oura Ring with a pacemaker, although we advise you to check with your physician prior to making this decision. Oura's EMF frequency is relatively low, with an SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) level of 0.0003 W/kg. This compares to all cell phones sold in the United States, which have an SAR level at or below 1.6 W/kg. Bluetooth is only active in the Oura Ring during a small portion of each day, falling well below 1%.
There should be no interference with a pacemaker’s functionality. If you experience discomfort while wearing your ring, we suggest removing the ring and consulting your physician or another medical professional. Oura cannot issue a guarantee on our products' compatibility with implanted devices. Depending on the nature of the pacemaker and its pacing mode, this could affect the accuracy of your sleep staging data. All data besides sleep staging will remain unaffected and fully accessible to users with pacemakers.
Persons with arrhythmia, such as atrial fibrillation, or other heart-related condition, may find that some data, such as resting heart rate, heart rate variability, and sleep staging accuracy, can be affected. Please keep this in mind while making interpretations to your data (if you’ve been diagnosed with a condition that falls into this category).
Blood Circulation Issues
Persons that have Raynaud's or other blood circulation issues in the fingers may find that their Oura Ring has difficulty measuring their pulse signal. In these cases, we recommend wearing the ring on your index, middle, or ring fingers for the best pulse signal.
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
Persons with RLS may find that the Oura Ring records excess movement during the night as awake time. The same applies to certain other sleep movement disorders. Please keep this in mind while making interpretations to your data (if you experience RLS).
Heart Conditions
In most cases, Oura's proprietary algorithms do a sound job of showing accurate resting heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) readings and trends. Please check out our research relative to this topic, located on The Pulse Blog, if you're curious about specifics.
Oura's algorithms have been tested and verified against data measured from healthy adults. If you have a heart condition or other health issue that causes continuous or regular arrhythmia—or you're on medication that affects your cardiovascular system, the Oura App may not be able to show your full resting heart rate and HRV data. Instead, you may notice gaps in your heart rate and HRV graphs. In some cases, you might not see your heart rate and HRV data at all. Please keep this in mind while making interpretations of your data or when making the decision to purchase an Oura Ring for daily use (if you've been diagnosed with, or are being treated for a condition that falls into this category).