Body temperature variations can reveal much about recovery and overall health. Use the Oura App to monitor fluctuations and trends in your average body temperature, and learn what these readings mean for your body's status and readiness.
What Is Body Temperature?
How to Use Body Temperature Trends
More Information
What Is Body Temperature?
Within the Oura App, body temperature is the measure of changes in your average nighttime temperature, as compared to your normal baseline temperature. Oura calculates your normal temperature during the first couple of weeks that you wear your Oura Ring, and adjusts your baseline as needed. If your average body temperature goes outside your normal range (above or below 0.0) the Body temperature Readiness contributor will show "Pay attention." Significant deviation from your baseline temperature can be an indication of a change in your system, such as coming down with an illness or experiencing a change in your menstrual cycle.
During the day, your average body temperature is impacted by eating, drinking, exercising, and other external factors. This is why Oura measures your average body temperature during sleep while your body is in its most stable state and when the temperature data is subject to a minimal amount of environmental "noise."
These measurement methods enable Oura to provide you with the most accurate readings. In a study conducted by Oura's Science team, results revealed that Oura's temperature sensor matches research-grade performance under lab conditions, remains precise in real-world conditions, and reflects changes in your physiology, not your environment.
It’s important to note that Oura measures average body temperature from the skin, which is not the same as basal, or core body temperature. Read more about why Oura measures temperature from your finger on our blog.
How to Use Body Temperature Trends
You can access your average body temperature trends by selecting "Readiness" from the Oura App's home screen or Vitals tab, then select "Body temperature" above your Readiness Score.
You can also find body temperature in Trends:
- Select the
menu in the upper-left of the app's home screen
- Select Trends
- Select Readiness
- Select Body temperature
Body Temperature Graph
Oura displays changes in your skin temperature as fluctuations (+/-) from your personal baseline. The closer the reading is to 0.0, the closer your current skin temperature is to your long-term average.
The Daily view of the Body temperature graph displays the same value you see in your Readiness detail view—this value is the average of your skin temperature readings taken throughout the previous night.
Each date in the Trend view displays a weighted average of how your body temperature varies from your baseline based on a three-day window. Days closer to the current date will have more of an impact on your readings.
Temperature can be used to identify strain and recovery during physical activity, emerging illness, and phases of the menstrual cycle. For members who track their menstrual cycle, average body temperature is an integral part of Oura's Cycle Insights feature.
The average body temperature metric is slightly different from other metrics found in the Oura App because it only contributes to your scores when average body temperature is abnormal. This means body temperature can only lower your Readiness Score, not boost it.
If you notice changes in temperature that are lower than your average, this is likely due to changes in your internal regulatory system, which can be due to low peripheral blood flow, being exposed to cool environmental temperatures, or being in the follicular phase of one's menstrual cycle.
You can learn more on our blog about Understanding the Normal Fluctuations in Body Temperature and Evaluating Body Temperature Trends with Oura.
More Information
Understanding the Normal Fluctuations in Body Temperature
Evaluating Body Temperature Trends with Oura
Why Oura Measures Temperature from Your Finger