Change Ring Size
Cancel Order
Change Delivery Address
Track Shipments
More Information
Change Ring Size
To change the size of your purchased ring, please contact our team. If your ring has already shipped and you'd still like to make changes to your ring size, you'll need to wait until it arrives, and then start an exchange.
Direct Oura Ring exchanges are only available for a different size of the same ring. If you want a different model or color, you will need to return your original ring for a refund within 30 days and place a new order.
Cancel Order
If you haven't confirmed your Oura Ring size yet, the order can be canceled from the My Account portal.
Orders can be canceled only before they have been fulfilled, which means they haven't been selected for shipping yet.
Change Delivery Address
To change the delivery address for an order that has already shipped, please contact the carrier found in your shipping confirmation email.
Track Shipments
Oura will send shipping confirmation emails for your sizing kit shipment (if applicable), and for your Oura Ring shipment (after you've confirmed your ring size).
You can also track the status of your shipments by:
- Logging in to My Account
- Clicking Track Order under Orders
See our Shipping FAQs for more information on shipping times and delivery carriers.
You can contact our Member Care Team here.