Automatic Activity Detection feature.
active calorie burn
Active calorie burn, or activity burn, is an estimate of your net calorie burn. It captures the calories you've burned by walking, training, or doing other activities (the portion that exceeds 1.5 MET level).
activity balance
Readiness Score contributor. "Activity balance" measures how your activity level over the past days is affecting your readiness to perform. When your activity balance is optimal, it means that you've been active, but kept from training at your maximum capacity. This has boosted your recovery and helped build up your energy levels.
activity goal
Oura measures the balance between your physical activity and your recovery to give you an adjusted personal target for the day. Your daily activity goal is based on your age, sex, and daily readiness. The distance (in miles or kilometers) representing your activity goal progress is not the real distance traveled, but the equivalent walking distance of all your daily activity. It's a calorie burn target translated to a walking distance, meaning that it shows how far you could walk to burn the same amount of net calories.
Activity Score
Activity Score is an overall measure of your activity, training, and recovery balance. It ranges from 0-100, and takes into account your activity levels over the previous 7 days. Note: activity score is a different measure than activity goal completion. The score can be something else than 100 even though you've reached your activity goal. Contributors: stay active, move every hour, meet daily targets, training frequency, training volume, recovery time.
activity view
A main view of the app, where you can see your activity goal progress/completion, activity score, activity contributors, daily movement levels, and workouts.
airplane mode
Airplane mode disables all radio transmission from the ring, and causes the ring to lose connection to the app.
body temperature
Readiness Score contributor. Oura measures your average body temperature while you sleep. It sets the baseline for your normal temperature during the first couple of weeks, and adjusts it if needed as more data is collected. Variations are shown in relation to your baseline, represented by 0.0 in the average body temperature deviation graph.
Beats per minute.
calorie burn
Amount of calories you burn during the day or a certain activity.
circadian rhythm
Your body performs its daily functions with a specific, choreographed routine — your circadian rhythm. Circadian refers to your body's innate 24-hour cycle based on the pattern of the sun. Your rhythm is a series of physical and chemical changes that occur based on your internal clocks.
Your Sleep, Readiness, and Activity Scores are the sum of different contributors.
deep sleep
Sleep Score contributor. The most restorative and rejuvenating sleep stage, enabling muscle growth and repair. When you're in deep sleep, your blood pressure drops, heart and breathing rates are regular, arm and leg muscles are relaxed, and you're very difficult to awaken.
heart rate variability (HRV)
A healthy heart doesn't beat as regularly as a metronome — it actually changes its rhythm with each beat. This constant variation in milliseconds between your heartbeats is known as your heart rate variability (HRV).
high intensity activity
High intensity activity includes vigorous activities with an intensity level higher or equivalent to jogging.
HRV balance
Readiness Score contributor. "HRV balance" helps you keep track of your recovery status by comparing your two-week heart rate variability trend to your three-month average.
interbeat interval (IBI)
Interbeat interval is a scientific term used in reference to the time interval between individual beats of the mammalian heart.
inactivity alert
Oura tracks the time you spend sitting, standing, or otherwise passive, and guides you with a push notification to break up long periods of inactivity.
light sleep
Light sleep makes up about 50% of total sleep time for adults, and typically begins a sleep cycle. There are two kinds of light sleep. Sleep usually begins with a very light sleep stage between sleep and wakefulness. Most of light sleep consists of the deeper second stage, which prepares your body for transitions between sleep stages. During this stage your muscles begin to relax, your heart and breathing rates slow down, but you still wake up quite easily.
low intensity activity
Low intensity activity includes indoor and outdoor activities such as casual walking and light housework.
meet daily goals
Activity Score contributor. "Meet daily goals" shows how often you’ve reached your daily activity goals over the past seven days.
metabolic equivalent (MET)
Metabolic Equivalent, or MET, is a common measure used to express the energy expenditure and intensity of different physical activities. If the MET value of a specific activity is 4, it means that you're burning four times as many calories as you would burn while resting. The time engaged in different activities can be expressed as MET minutes: 30 min x 5 MET = 150 MET min.
move every hour
Activity Score contributor. "Move every hour" shows how well you’ve managed to avoid long periods of sitting, standing, or otherwise being passive during the past 24 hours.
Oura Teams
Oura Teams is a B2B product on the web for managing teams and other groups.
previous night
Readiness Score contributor. Refers to last night's sleep score.
Readiness Score
The Readiness Score measures how well recovery and movement are in balance. It evaluates sleep quality, physiological responses, and movement levels to indicate how prepared the individual is for the day. The Readiness Score ranges from 0-100.
readiness view
A main view of the app, where you can see your Readiness Score, readiness contributors, resting heart rate, heart rate variability, average body temperature, and respiratory rate during the day.
recovery index
Readiness Score contributor. Recovery Index measures the time spent sleeping after the heart rate lowers to its lowest point during the night. Optimal Recovery Index requires a minimum of six hours of sleep after this point.
recovery time
Activity Score contributor. The amount of easier days you need to recover.
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
Sleep Score contributor. "Rapid eye movement" (REM) sleep is the final sleep stage in a typical sleep cycle. It plays an important role in re-energizing your mind and your body. REM is associated with dreaming, memory consolidation, learning, and creativity. REM is regulated by circadian rhythms, i.e. your body clock.
rest mode
During rest mode, you won’t be given a daily activity goal, and your activity score and activity-related contributors are hidden. Daily movement, inactive time, total burn, steps, and active calories with equivalent distance in km/mi will still be shown. Rest mode is designed for days when the body and mind need time to rest, due to stressors such as an illness, injury, or jet lag.
Sleep Score contributor. How restful your sleep was. Sleep disturbances caused by wake-ups and restless time can have a big impact on your sleep quality and daytime cognitive performance. Restless sleep is less restorative than uninterrupted sleep, and it's usually the cause of daytime sleepiness. Disturbances can be caused by various different factors, such as stress, noise, partners, pets, or different foods.
resting heart rate (RHR)
Readiness Score contributor. "Resting Heart Rate" (RHR) is the number of times your heart beats per minute when you're at rest. Normal RHR for adults can range anywhere from 40-100 BPM.
restorative time
Resting time that has helped in your recovery.
restricted mode
Restricted Mode protects your information in case an unwanted party gets a hold of your Oura Ring and attempts to pair it with their device, or if you attempt to pair your ring to a new device without performing a factory reset on it first. If the Oura App notifies you that it's in Restricted Mode, you'll need to reset your ring to its factory settings in order to continue using it.
ring icon
An icon at the top right corner of the app, where you can check your ring's status, battery level, and set it in airplane mode.
sleep balance
Readiness Score contributor. Sleep Balance assesses the amount of sleep and possible sleep debt over the past two weeks compared to the member's baseline and general recommendations for people of their age.
sleep cycle / sleep stages
Different sleep stages alternate in approximately 90-minute cycles throughout the night. Usually the flow goes from light sleep to deep sleep, then from light sleep to REM sleep.
sleep efficiency
Sleep Score contributor. Sleep efficiency is the percentage of time you actually spend asleep after going to bed.
sleep latency
Sleep Score contributor. The time it takes for you to fall asleep.
Sleep Score
Sleep Score is an overall measure of how well you slept and it ranges from 0-100.
sleep timing
Sleep Score contributor. Oura considers your sleep timing to be optimal and aligned with the sun when the midpoint of your sleep falls between midnight and 3:00 am, allowing some variability for morning and evening types.
sleep view
A main view of the app where you can see your Sleep Score, sleep contributors, sleep stages, and resting heart rate during the night.
stay active
Activity Score contributor. Moving around regularly and avoiding long periods of inactivity helps you stay healthy, and keeps your metabolism active throughout the day. Having five to eight hours or less of inactive time a day has a positive effect on your Activity Score. Oura measures the time you’ve spent sitting, standing, or otherwise inactive during the past 24 hours. Inactive time doesn’t include resting or sleep.
Comments you can add to your daily routines.
time in bed
Shows the number of hours between your bedtime and wake up time including light, deep, REM, and awake time.
total burn
Your total daily energy expenditure, including all of the calories you've burned during the day, whether active or resting. Oura begins calculating your total burn at 4:00 am, by logging your estimated amount of calories burned while at rest. This is known as your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). In a full 24-hour cycle, all calories burned through your daily activity are added to the sum. While physical activity increases your daily calorie burn, most of your total burn comes from your BMR.
total sleep time
Sleep Score contributor. "Total sleep time" refers to the total amount of time you spend in light, REM, and deep sleep, not including awake time.
training frequency
Activity Score contributor. "Training frequency" measures how often you've had medium or high activities over the past seven days.
training volume
Activity Score contributor. "Training volume" measures the amount of medium and high activity you’ve gotten over the past seven days.
uninterrupted sleep
Time spent asleep without wake-ups.
Periods during the night when you are awaken from your sleep. The wake-ups can be so short that you don’t remember them in the morning.
wake-up time
Wake-up time is the time you got out of bed with the intention of starting the day.
walking equivalency
Walking equivalency shows your daily activity burn as a walking distance. The distance shown is not the real distance travelled, but the equivalent walking distance of all your daily activity.
weekly report
A report displaying all the past week's metrics.