With Oura Experiments, you can test how different habits impact your sleep and recovery.
What Are Experiments?
How to Use Experiments
Join Experiment
View Experiment
Leave Experiment
Experiment Reports
More Information
What Are Experiments?
Oura Experiments are self-driven tests to help you discover how your habits impact the biosignals that Oura measures from your body. Each experiment lasts for a limited time period (ex: 14 days) and focuses on one daily habit. When you complete an experiment, you'll receive an Experiment Report with the results of how your scores or contributors were affected.
The best time to start an Oura Experiment is when your day-to-day routine (your daily life) is as consistent as possible. If you introduce other new changes during the experiment, like a new diet, sleep, workout change, travel, etc., it will likely impact your results.
Keep in mind that the goal is self-discovery, not perfection, so there's no need to stress if you miss some of the experiment days.
The first experiment will test how your sleep efficiency, restfulness, and recovery index contributors are affected by reducing caffeine in the late afternoon.
How to Use Experiments
Join Experiment
Tap Get Started on the Experiments notification card on the Home tab
- This card will only appear if a new experiment is available on the Oura App
- You can also join an existing experiment at any time by tapping the menu
in the upper left-hand corner of the Home tab, then tap Experiments
- Fill out the short background questionnaire
- Tap Join experiment.
- Once you've joined the experiment, you can let your friends know by tapping the Share with friends button
View Experiment
When you join an experiment, you'll receive notification cards on the Home tab to tag your participation for the day.
To track your experiment progress, tap the + button in the lower right-hand corner of your Home tab, then tap View current experiment.
You can also tap the menu in the upper left-hand corner of the Home tab, then tap Experiments.
Leave Experiment
You can leave an experiment by viewing your current experiment and then tapping the Leave Experiment button at the bottom. If you leave an experiment, you won't receive an Experiment Report.
Experiment Reports
When you complete an experiment, an Experiment Report notification card will appear on the Home tab. The Experiment Report shows how your participation in the experiment affected relevant metrics, such as Sleep Efficiency, Restfulness, and Recovery Index.
You can also find Experiment Reports by tapping the menu in the upper left-hand corner of the Home tab, then tapping Reports.
Keep in mind that you'll need to mark your participation in an experiment for a certain number of days to receive an Experiment Report. For the experiment on caffeine reduction, you'll need to mark your participation for at least four days to receive a report.
More Information
How to Conduct a Self-Experiment With Oura