In this article, you'll find a more information on your Oura insight messages and how to get the most out of them.
What Are Oura Insights?
How to Use Oura Insights
Oura Scores and Contributor Ratings
What Is the Crown Icon?
Things to Keep in Mind
What Are Oura Insights?
Oura insight messages are simple guidance tips that are displayed on the Home tab of your Oura App. They are designed to highlight notable patterns in your data, such as a specific trend in your sleep staging or resting heart rate graph, or an unusual reading that may signal that something is deviating from your normal baseline.
How to Use Oura Insights
Oura insight messages are located within the Readiness, Sleep, and Activity Goal Progress cards on the Oura App's Home tab.
If it's currently in the evening hours near your bedtime, your Readiness and Sleep cards will be reordered so your Bedtime Guidance card appears first.
In addition to Readiness, Sleep, and Activity Goal Progress, Oura supplies you with insights following confirmation of a detected activity or nap. If you take and confirm a nap before 6 p.m., you'll see highlights of this additional rest in your Readiness and Sleep insights.
Tap on your Readiness, Sleep, Activity Goal Progress, or Bedtime Guidance card to see the entire insight message and its associated graph.
Readiness and Sleep insight messages are your "themes of the day."
Your Readiness insight is meant to surface a crucial recovery, sleep, or activity metric for the day.
Your Sleep insight is designed to extract a core finding from your overnight contributors and help you reflect on a component of your rest.
Activity Goal Progress is a quick glimpse into how much you've moved your body in the current day so far.
By tapping into your Activity Goal Progress card, you'll get the full picture of your movement trends over the course of the day, and when you may have been overly sedentary.
Oura Scores and Contributor Ratings
Readiness, Activity, and Sleep Scores — and their contributors — are rated on a scale of 0-100.
- 85-100: Optimal
- 70-84: Good
- 60-69: Fair
- 0-59: Pay Attention
An 85 or higher may be a sign that you are ready to take on new challenges. Scores below 70 indicate that you may benefit from prioritizing rest and recovery in the indicated areas.
What is the crown icon?
On days where your Readiness, Sleep, or Activity Score is 85 or higher, you'll see a crown icon in the following places:
- Near your Readiness, Sleep, or Activity Score on the Home tab
- Beside your score in the Readiness, Sleep, or Activity tab
- Above the corresponding day in the calendar view (accessed by selecting "Today" at the top of the app)
Things to Keep in Mind
- Looking at your long-term trends is more important than focusing on an individual night
- While comparing your scores with friends and family is a great way to remain motivated in improving sleep, recovery, and movement, we recommend not becoming too involved in this. When it comes to health, everyone is unique—which is why it's essential to discover your own normal ranges and goals